Sunday, August 30, 2009

Setting modem Articonet

Friday, July 3, 2009

TABEL SNR Margin dan Line Attenuation Pada ADSL

Tabel 1: Klasifikasi SNR Margin (Signal-to-Noise Margin)
------------------- Makin TINGGI makin BAIK -----------------------------

29,0 dB ~ ke atas = Outstanding (bagus sekali)
20,0 dB ~ 28,9 dB = Excellent (bagus) • Koneksi stabil.
11,0 dB ~ 19,9 dB = Good (baik) • Sinkronisasi sinyal ADSL dapat berlangsung lancar.
07,0 dB ~ 10,9 dB = Fair (cukup) • Rentan terhadap variasi perubahan kondisi pada jaringan.
00,0 dB ~ 06,9 dB = Bad (buruk) • Sinkronisasi sinyal gagal atau tidak lancar (ter-putus²).


Tabel 2: Klasifikasi Line Attenuation (Redaman pada Jalur)
---------------------- Makin RENDAH makin BAIK -----------------------

00,0 dB ~ 19,99 dB = Outstanding (bagus sekali)
20,0 dB ~ 29,99 dB = Excellent (bagus)
30,0 dB ~ 39,99 dB = Very good (baik)
40,0 dB ~ 49,99 dB = Good (cukup)
50,0 dB ~ 59,99 dB = Poor (buruk) • Kemungkinan akan timbul masalah koneksi (tidak lancar, dsb).
60,0 dB ~ ke atas = Bad (amburadul) • Pasti akan timbul banyak gangguan koneksi (sinyal hilang, tidak bisa connect, dsb).

Disarikan dari berbagai sumber
AT&T|Alcatel|Cisco|ComCast|Verizon|BellSympatico|Whir pool|DSLReports|WebArchive|Wikipedia|dlsb

Downstream total output power(dBm) : ................ ( max 15 dBm )


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Setting Modem ADSL

Panduan cara setting modem ADSL untuk Speedy.

Setting modem dapat dilakukan melalui browser diantaranya dengan mengakses alamat, atau melalui CD installer sesuai dengan buku manualnya.

Setelah masuk ke menu setting maka masukkan parameter berikut :
VPC Configuration :
VCI = 0
VPI = 35
Service Category = UBR Without PCR
Connection type = PPPoE
Encapsulation = LLC

Cara melakukan setting di komputer untuk akses ke layanan SPEEDY.

Untuk setting di komputer dilakukan sesuai dengan operating system yang dipakai di komputer pelanggan, disini yang dibahas khusus untuk Windows XP.

1. Lakukan network setting di PC (computer) sbb :

a. Start – Control Panel – Network Connection
b. arahkan kursor pada Local Area Connection yang aktif, kemudian klik kanan dan pilih properties
c. kemudian pilih menu Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) dan klik 2X, maka akan muncul menu General.
d. Pilih Obtain an IP Address Automatically kemudian pilih Obtain DNS server address automatically, kemudian tekan tombol OK.

2. Setting di windows XP sudah selesai dilakukan.

3. Kemudian lakukan setting modem sesuai merk dan jenis modem ADSL yang telah dipilih (lihat buku petunjuk operasional modem masing-masing atau hubungi technical support merk modem yang bersangkutan). Pada saat akan melakukan koneksi ke jaringan SPEEDY, isikan username dan password yang tercetak di SPEEDY-Broadband card.

Cara melakukan instalasi Modem ADSL untuk SPEEDY.

Panduan instalasi modem ini digunakan pada instalasi awal koneksi ke SPEEDY. Saat ini modem ADSL yang dijual di pasaran ada 2 macam yaitu menggunakan kabel USB dan Ethernet.

Berikut langkah-langkah instalasi modem sesuai dengan kabel koneksi yang digunakan.

A. Instalasi modem menggunakan kabel USB.

Lakukan pengecekan kelengkapan buku manual dan CD installer, ketika membeli modem. CD installer umumnya disertakan pada modem yang menggunakan kabel USB.

Masukkan CD Installer
Ikuti petunjuk yang tampil di window sampai selesai.
Kemudian hubungkan kabel USB ke PC.

Selanjutnya PC akan mendeteksi adanya hardware baru dan siap digunakan.

Panduan instalasi Dial Up koneksi ADSL menggunakan Windows 2000:

1. Klik Start, klik Setting,klik Control Panel,
2. Klik Network and Dial Up Connections.
3. Klik Make New Connection, klik Next,
4. Klik Dial Up to the Internet
5. Klik I want to setup my internet manually, klik Next
6. Klik I connect through a phone line and a modem klik Next
7. Pilih dan klik modem ADSL yang sesuai
8. Isi username :
9. Password : *******
10. Klik OK dan Lanjutkan sesuai perintah yang muncul
11. Klik Finish

Panduan instalasi Dial Up koneksi ADSL menggunakan Windows Xp:

1. Klik Start, klik Setting, klik Control Panel.
2. Klik Network Connection
3. Klik Create a New Connection, klik Next.
4. Klik Connect to the Internet, klik Next
5. Klik Setup my connection manually, klik Next
6. Klik Connect Using Dial Up, klik Next
7. Klik modem ADSL yang sesuai, klik Next
8. Isi username :
Password : *******
9. Confirm password : *******
10. kemudian beri tanda v pada pilihan “Add a shortcut to the desktop screen”
11. Klik Finish

B. Instalasi modem menggunakan kabel Ethernet.

Lakukan pengecekan kelengkapan komponen modem seperti modem, power supply dan adaptor, petunjuk pemakaian, CD installer (bila ada), dan kabel-kabel untuk koneksi ke modem, PC serta line (jaringan telepon).
Sambungkan kabel ethernet dari modem ke PC.
Untuk setting Pilih IPDHCP untuk mendapatkan IP dari modem, dengan cara :
Klik Start, klik Setting, klik Control Panel,
Klik Network and Dial Up Connection,
Klik kanan Local Area Connection,
Klik Disable, Klik kanan Local Area Connection, Klik Properties,
Klik Internet Protocol (TCP/IP),
Klik Obtain an IP address automatically,
Klik Obtain DNS server address automatically, klik tombol OK dua kali (2x),
Klik kanan Local Area Connection,
Klik Enable

4. Lakukan pengecekan IP dengan Klik Start, klik Run, Klik cmd, Klik OK

5. Lakukan browsing ke IP modem ADSL : atau 192.168.x.x (optional tergantung tipe modem)

6. Lakukan pengecekan saluran modem, dengan cara Ping atau 192.168.x.x

7. Koneksi antara modem dengan PC sudah berjalan normal, dilanjutkan melakukan konfigurasi modem ADSL, dengan cara:
Buka Internet Explorer atau browser lainnya.
Ketik alamat atau http://192.168.x.x (optional tergantung tipe modem)
Lakukan setting instalasi modem ADSL sesuai dengan buku manual.

Sumber: Onno W Purbo ( )

Monday, March 9, 2009

Setting Modem Abbatec

untuk download driver USB klik disini

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

setting modem TP-Link 8817

untuk download driver USB klik disini

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

ngeBUX akan membayar anda Rp. 150 / click yang anda lakukan, silahkan Daftar Disini, dan miliki Account di ngeBUX, silahkan Daftar Sekarang Gratis.
Selain itu,anda juga akan dibayar Rp. 25 / refferal click, jadi silahkan anda cari bawahan sebanyak-banyaknya.
Contoh Pendapatan anda :

Anda Klik 25 Iklan / Hari : 150x5 = Rp. 3.750 / hari
Anda Punya 20 Bawahan,masing-masing mengklik 25 iklan : Rp. 12.500 / hari
Pendapatan Perhari : Rp. 16.500
Pendapatan perminggu : Rp. 113.750
Pendapatan Perbulan : Rp. 487.500
Pendapatan Pertahun : Rp. 5.460.000
Itulah pendapatan anda pertahun apabila anda mempunyai 20 bawahan yang masing-masing mengklik 25 iklan / hari..bagaimana apabila anda mempunyai 100 bawahan ? waduh...silahkan hitung sendiri pendapatan anda.
* Kami Tidak Menjamin jumlah iklan.
Apabila uang anda sudah mencapai Rp. 50.000,- anda bisa melakukan withdraw setiap hari.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fujitsu FDX340 bus power

Linksys AM300 Quick Configuration

What tools are used to complete the task?
This User Guide provides step-by-step instructions on how toconfigure a Linksys AM300 modem using the quick configuration utility.
Why is this task performed?
This user guide will assist you in configuring the Linksys –AM300 modem using the quick configuration utility.
Troubleshooting If after completing this user guide you are unable to get online a factory reset of the modem may be required. Please refer to the Linksys AM300 user manual for instructions on how to complete a factory reset.
What tools are used to complete the task?
Linksys AM300 Modem, Linksys AM300 User Manual, Ethernet/USB cable and a PC.

complete the following steps:

1. open internet explorer, mozilla firefox, opera etc
2. In the Address field enter :

Note: USB drivers must be installed first before proceeding

3. In the Log In screen, complete the following steps:
In the Username field enter: admin.
In the Password field enter: admin.
Click Login

In the Setup screen, complete the following steps:

4. From the Encapsulation drop down menu select RFC xxxx PPPoE.
Note: The page will refresh to include the PPPoA section.

Virtual Circuit ID: field.
VPI = 0
VCI = 35

Multiplexing field.
Select the LLC.

7. From the DSL Modulation: field select Auto.

8. Enter the username in the Username field.
Refer to the Settings Page on our website for the username format.

9. Enter the password in the Password field.
Refer to the Settings Page on our website for the password format.

Scroll down the Setup screen, complete the following steps:

10. From the Timezone drop down menu select the time zone applicable to the state you are in.
Click save settings

In the Settings are successful screen, complete the following step:

11. Allow up to 25 seconds for the previous page to load.

In the Status screen, complete the following steps:

12. Click on Status.

13. Ensure the PPP Login field is displayed as Up.
This indicates the modem has authenticated.
If the Up field hasn’t displayed after a few minutes perform a factory reset (Refer to manual) and complete this userguide again.
If this doesn’t resolve the issue
contact our Customer Care team.

You have completed the Linksys AM300 Quick
Configuration Userguide and are now ready to connect to the internet
Real Love not All have

You possibly will forget one who laugh with you
but not possible to forget one who have wept with you

Dare to for the pain of…
Dare to to accept…
Dare to for the loss of..
and dare to to discharge is LOVE…
because LOVE is not love !!!

LOVE much more in seeing from deepness of passion..
more glorious from highness of dander…
wiser than ... is irate
and more than sense of belonging…
everybody have love
not of all owning LOVE !!!


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Everything I do ,I do it for You

Everything I do ,I do it for You
by Bryan Adams

Look into my eyes - you will see

What you mean to me

Search your heart - search you soul

And when you find me there you'll search no more

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for

You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for

You know it's true

Everything I do - I do it for you


Look into my heart - you will find

There's nothin' there to hide

Take me as I am - take my life

I would give it all I would sacrifice

Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for

I can't help it there's nothin' I want more

Ya know it's true

Everything I do - I do it for you


There's no love - like your love

And no other - could give more love

There's nowhere - unless you're there

All the time - all the way

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for

I can't help it there's nothin' I want more

I would fight for you - I'd lie for you

Walk the fire for you - Ya l'd die for you

You know it's true

Everything I do - I do it for you...

Heal The World

Heal The World

by Michael Jackson

There's a place in your heart, and I know that it is love

And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow

And if you really try, you'll find there's no need to cry

In this place you'll feel, there's no hurt or sorrow

There are ways to get there

If you care enough for the living

Make a little space, make a better place

* Heal the world make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire human race

** There are people dying if you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

If you want to know why, there's a love that cannot lie

Love is strong, it only cares for joyful giving if we try

We shall see in this bliss, we cannot feel fear or dread

We stop existing and start living

Then it feels that always love's enough for us growing

So make a better world, make a better world

[Repeat * , **]

And the dream we were conceived In will reveal a joyful face

And the world we once believed in will shine again in grace

Then why do we keep strangling life wound this earth crucify

Its soul though it's plain to see this world is heavenly be God's glow

We could fly so high let our spirits never die in my heart

I feel you are all my brothers create a world with no fear

Together we'll cry happy tears see the nations turn

Their swords into plowshares

We could really get there if you cared enough for the living

Make a little space, to make a better place

[Repeat * , ** , * , **]

[Repeat * , ** , ** , **]

You and for me (x11)


by Bon Jovi

This Romeo is bleeding, but you can't see his blood

It's nothing but some feelings

That this old dog kicked up

It's been raining since you left me

Now I'm drowning in the flood

You see I've always been a fighter

But without you I give up

Now I can't sing a love song

Like the way it's meant to be

Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore

But baby, that's just me

* Yeah I, will love you, baby

Always and I’ll be there

Forever and a day, always

** I'll be there, till the stars don't shine

Till the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme

I know when I die you'll be on my mind

and I'll love you, always

Now your pictures that you left behind

Are just memories of a different life

Some that made us laugh

Some that made us cry

One that made you have to say goodbye

What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair

Touch your lips, to hold you near,

When you say your prayers, try to understand

I've made mistakes; I'm just a man

When he holds you close, when he pulls you near

When he says the words

You've been needing to hear, I'll wish I was him

'Cause these words are mine, to say to you

'Til the end of time

[Repeat *]

If you told me to cry for you, I could

If you told me to die for you, I would

Take a look at my face

There's no price i won't pay

To say these words to you

Well, there ain't no luck in these loaded dice

But baby, if you give me just one more try

We can pack up our old dreams, and our old lives,

We'll find a place, where the sun still shines

[Repeat * , **]