Saturday, February 14, 2009

Linksys AM300 Quick Configuration

What tools are used to complete the task?
This User Guide provides step-by-step instructions on how toconfigure a Linksys AM300 modem using the quick configuration utility.
Why is this task performed?
This user guide will assist you in configuring the Linksys –AM300 modem using the quick configuration utility.
Troubleshooting If after completing this user guide you are unable to get online a factory reset of the modem may be required. Please refer to the Linksys AM300 user manual for instructions on how to complete a factory reset.
What tools are used to complete the task?
Linksys AM300 Modem, Linksys AM300 User Manual, Ethernet/USB cable and a PC.

complete the following steps:

1. open internet explorer, mozilla firefox, opera etc
2. In the Address field enter :

Note: USB drivers must be installed first before proceeding

3. In the Log In screen, complete the following steps:
In the Username field enter: admin.
In the Password field enter: admin.
Click Login

In the Setup screen, complete the following steps:

4. From the Encapsulation drop down menu select RFC xxxx PPPoE.
Note: The page will refresh to include the PPPoA section.

Virtual Circuit ID: field.
VPI = 0
VCI = 35

Multiplexing field.
Select the LLC.

7. From the DSL Modulation: field select Auto.

8. Enter the username in the Username field.
Refer to the Settings Page on our website for the username format.

9. Enter the password in the Password field.
Refer to the Settings Page on our website for the password format.

Scroll down the Setup screen, complete the following steps:

10. From the Timezone drop down menu select the time zone applicable to the state you are in.
Click save settings

In the Settings are successful screen, complete the following step:

11. Allow up to 25 seconds for the previous page to load.

In the Status screen, complete the following steps:

12. Click on Status.

13. Ensure the PPP Login field is displayed as Up.
This indicates the modem has authenticated.
If the Up field hasn’t displayed after a few minutes perform a factory reset (Refer to manual) and complete this userguide again.
If this doesn’t resolve the issue
contact our Customer Care team.

You have completed the Linksys AM300 Quick
Configuration Userguide and are now ready to connect to the internet

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